
Friday, 29 March 2013

Forge World New Releases - Mechanicum Thallax Cohort, Legion MKIV Recon Squad, Legion MKIII Breacher Siege Squad and Legion MKIV Outrider Squadron

Largest title ever...

Today we have a heap of new Forge World releases!! Well, alright I missed out on one of them during my sick leave, so I thought I may as well include it here. It's pretty awesome!!

So first of the new releases is the Mechanicum Thallax Cohort! They are basically robots!! Well in appearance. In fact they have been modified heavily, and by modify, I mean bionics!! They kinda remind me of the Big Daddies from Bioshock, the Rivet Gun Big Daddy methinks. Personally, I think they look a tad odd, least I'm a righty, so I reckon their gun should be attached to the right arm... but that's biased talk.

Image courtesy of Forge World

Image courtesy of Forge World

Next on the release are the Legion MKIV Recon Squad. If you've been reading the White Dwarf, you would've seen one of these guys being made. Least the process. There's a whole host of doodads here and there. They really do look the part of a Scout/Recon Team. All that extra gear for working behind enemy lines, away from their own supply lines!!

Image courtesy of Forge World

I really love the look of these guys, especially their guns!! They are (if I remember correctly from the White Dwarf) actually Bolters that have been modified to act like Sniper Rifles. Think the Stalker Boltgun from the Space Marine game.

Image courtesy of Forge World

Looking at these models give me ideas for a heap of conversions!! If I could get my hands on the Red Scorpions with Veteran Sergeant Haas Upgrade Pack, then I could probably do a major conversion using ALL those spare/extra bags that come with the Space Marine Tactical Squad. Plus some plastic tubing... IT'LL BE BRILLIANT!!

Image courtesy of Forge World

Now who's next? Yes, the Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists favourite unit, the Legion Breacher Siege Squad. What a long name ay? These guys are basically a conversion on the Space Marine Boarding Assault Upgrade Pack. Least that's what it looked like from that WIP pic in one of the White Dwarfs.

Image courtesy of Forge World

No matter, they look awesome, specially those helmets!! They kinda feel like Tin Soldiers but better. MKIII are my favourite Space Marine armour, if you haven't noticed ;)

Image courtesy of Forge World

Now onto what was recently announced Monday (I think). The Legion MKIV Outrider Squadron. These guys look awesome!! Specifically their Bikes. Those Bikes look just awesome!! I have no idea how these cool bikes (that look practical) was reduced to some square block with wheels.

Image courtesy of Forge World

From what I can tell, these guys appear to use parts from the original Space Marine Bike just with extra smooth bits on em. I also love the weapon mountings (replacing those Twin-Linked Bolters for say a Plasma Gun).

Image courtesy of Forge World

Seriouslky, check out these awesome dudes over at Forge World. Here's a link to speed you on your way!!

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