
Saturday, 3 August 2013

MechWarrior: Online - Kintaro Reveal & Thoughts

Image courtesy of

Check out the release story [Here].

Our next Medium BattleMech, Kintaro, has just been announced. I'm about a few days late with this news... but oh well. Better late than never ay?

This reveal actually came as a complete surprise to me. I knew August's BattleMech was going to be a Medium BattleMech, but I was expecting the Wolverine or the Dervish. There were a multitude of hints leading to those 2 Mechs. But alas we get the Kintaro.

Truth be told, I'm not as disappointed as many people are. On paper the Kintaro isn't that bad a Mech. I mean it doesn't compare to the awesomeness of a Wolverine or Dervish. But it's not bad. In addition Alex has done a fantastic job of turning a really, really horrendously ugly Mech into a pretty sweet fantastic looking one.

Oh right, I don't even have to speculate on what variants we'll be getting. People have already searched the latest files and found the in-game models and their Hardpoints. As an I.T. student our motto is:
"I.T. students/people are the most dangerous people. We don't hack things out of malice or spite, we hack things out of curiosity. We just don't always know how to put it back together again."
Anyway thanks to the wonders of the Internet, I know what variants we're getting and the hardpoints!

The Kintaro variants including HeroMech are: Golden Boy (HeroMech), KTO-18, KTO-19 and KTO-20. Standard Kintaro all come stock with a Standard 275 and have a max engine rating of 360. They each have 2 Module Slots as well.

Golden Boy (I have no clue if this is the actual name of the HeroMech)

Stock Loadout:
Engine: 220 XL (Max Engine: 290)
CT: 2x SRM4
RT: 1x SRM6, 2xDHS and 1x SRM Ammo
LT: 2x DHS and 3x SRM Ammo
RA: 2x MPL
LA: 2x SRM6 and 1x MPL
Upgrades: Double Heat Sinks

CT: 2 Missile (10+5)
RT: 1 Missile (20)
RA: 2 Energy
LA: 2 Missile (20+15) and 1Energy

[No Image]

CT: 1 Missile (10)
RT: 2 Missile (20+20)
RA: 1 Energy
LA: 2 Missile (20+15) and 1 Energy


CT: 1 Missile (10)
RT: 1 Missile (20)
RA: 2 Energy
LA: 2 Missile (20+15) and 1 Energy


CT: 2 Energy
RT: 2 Missile (20+20)
RA: 2 Energy
LA: 1 Missile (20)

I can see this Mech as having some real Zombie potential.The Side Torsos appear to be quite large which might mean XL Engines are (possibly) a no go. In addition most of the Kintaro weapons will be either Energy and mostly Missiles (which are generally light), meaning it'll benefit a lot from Standard Engines.

However the standard Kintaros have a max engine of 360, meaning they can move up to 106.04kph; the only reason you'd want to take a XL Engine.

Out of all the Kintaros, the HeroMech or Golden Boy, seems to be the worst (lacking in the Engine department). However only 2 Kintaros have 8 Hardpoints in total, the Golden Boy and the KTO-20. The other 2 (KTO-18 and KTO-19) have only 7 Hardpoints. However I kind of really like the Golden Boy. It has a nice mix of Missiles and Energy Hardpoints (5 Missile and 3 Energy); and it looks really, really cool. I love the Japanese-esque feel!

Anyway I can see this Mech as a Medium version of the Catapult. It's a pure Missile Boat. There is a very high chance I'll be mounting 5 SRM 4s.

Another thing of note is that the Kintaro has small arms like the Hunchback and large legs like the Quickdraw... I truly hope this Mech is gonna turn out good and not crap like the Quickdraw.

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