
Thursday, 3 January 2013

Deimos Pattern Predator Conversion - WIP 1

Image taken from Forge World (
This year I finally got my hands on a copy of Forge World's "Horus Heresy Book 1 - Betrayal" and I tell ya, it is a seriously fantastic book. Hell IMO I reckon it is Forge World's BEST rulebook! It is jammed packed with all sorts of fluff/lore relating to the initial stages of the Horus Heresy. In addition to a Space Marine Legion Army List!!

What stood out for me tank-wise, was the fact that Space Marine tanks can be taken in a squadron. As much as I wanted to build a Land Raider Squadron, it was just too expensive (points and money-wise)!! So I chose the next best tank, the ever reliable Predator.

Currently I already have one Deimos Pattern Predator (that still needs to be built), but I had an unbuilt Rhino too... Conversion Time!!

You see a set up pile of junk and rubbish; what I see is a tank.
Basically, utilising what junk and space bits I could find (in addition to inspiration from Ron Saikowski's Deimos Predator Conversion) I made the following tank top/gun.

All that's left for me to do is to make a canopy and use some Green Stuff and fill in the gaps before making some Side-Sponsons :)

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