
Saturday, 5 January 2013

Sons of Horus - Legion Army List 1

Image from the Black Legion Wikia Page (
Whenever I collect an army, I always start off with a bit of research and a plan. The plan being an army list of course. It's usually used as a rough guideline so I know how much money needs to be spent and what I would need. I normally collect to a theme with some battlefield effectiveness in mind.

So without further ado, here's my army list:
Legion Praetor - 157 Points
- [Insert Name]: Legion Praetor with Bolter, Paragon Blade, Iron Halo and Melta Bombs

Apothecarion Detachment - 120 Points
- [Insert Name]: Apothecary with Power Sword and Augury Scanner
- [Insert Name]: Apothecary with Power Sword and Augury Scanner

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon - 380 Points
- [Insert Name]: Contemptor Dreadnought with 2 Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons
- [Insert Name]: Contemptor Dreadnought with a Heavy Bolter and Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt Twin-Linked Bolter

Legion Tactical Squad 1 - 303 Points
- [Insert Name]: 9 Additional Legion Space Marines with additional Chainswords/Combat Blades and Legion Vexilla. Sergeant has a Power Weapon and Melta Bombs

Legion Tactical Squad 2 - 303 Points
- [Insert Name]: 9 Additional Legion Space Marines with additional Chainswords/Combat Blades and Legion Vexilla. Sergeant has a Power Weapon and Melta Bombs

Legion Tactical Support Squad - 237 Points
- [Insert Name]: 5 Additional Space Marines with 9 Volkite Calivers. Sergeant has a Power Weapon, Augury Scanner and Melta Bombs

Legion Predator Strike Armour Squadron - 200 Points
- [Insert Name]: Predator with Heavy Bolter Sponsons
- [Insert Name]: Predator with Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Total Points: 1700

There are numerous reasons for the selection, the first is that I have 40 Marines currently waiting for some bits so I can convert them. Also I have 2 Predators (or rather a spare Rhino and 1 Deimos Pattern Predator); and for the Contemptors, I don't want to buy any more weapons for them right now.

Fluff states that if Horus had a preference for units, it was the Tactical Squad, as they can be considered the "Jack of all trades master of none" unit. Hence I went for 2 large Tactical Squads. Both have 19 Marines so that the squad can appear to be a coherent squad of 20 with the Apothecary. I would've chosen Veteran Tactical Squads, but nothing beats the idea of LARGE Tactical Squads.

Those Tactical Squads are a large chunk of points from the army, and so 2 Apothecaries give them added survivability; in addition, should they run from combat due to a failed morale test, the Legion Vexilla allows them a reroll; which minimises the whole squad being lost.

These 2 squads form the backbone of my army (all armies need a strong backbone, something that can be used to capture and hold an objective if need be etc). The Tactical Support squad and Predators are there to provide "covering" fire for those 2 squads, and the Contemptors follow each Tactical Squad to provide more support.

I'm still missing 300 Points from making this a 2000 Point Army. I lack anti-air or an aerial unit, and as much as I really want to buy a Storm Eagle to fill the slot, it's just way too expensive...

To me this is a pretty solid army list, tho I can probably do without the Contemptors and Predators, but I do already have them, so I kinda must use them :)

Edit: The [Insert Name] part of the army list is for naming conventions. Just to add some personalisation to the squads. Tho I have yet to come up with names.

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