Image courtesy of mwomercs.com/phoenix
Project Phoenix has finally arrived!! Everybody should've had a few days to mess around with each Mech whilst trying to find something super effective, that suits their taste. As for me, I've tried everything excluding the Shadow Hawk (haven't thought of anything cool for it yet).
From what I've tried, the Locust kinda sucks. Well I was expecting it to suck until set Tonnage Limits, but even then it'll suck. Super easy to One-Shot! In addition, the Locust which was suppose to be unique in that it was suppose to be the only Light Mech that can break the 150kph speed cap... well we know how the devs are XD
The Battlemaster is super fun to pilot, but I just can't seem to pull off Assaults. Maybe I need to try and Speed Tweak it before I can become a better Battlemaster Pilot. But then, I've just been doing dreadfully, I can easily score 500+ damage on average, but I just die heaps and haven't really won any game. Guess fate is telling me to play the Thunderbolt.
Out of all these Phoenix Mechs, I pilot the Thunderbolt the best. Maybe it's because it was the first Mech I ever laid eyes on, and I practically grew up loving it.
Anyway, these are the Thunderbolt Builds I've been using, and so far they're quite effective.